Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: S. Nihart introduced new members Jennifer Bosiacki and Mario Rodriguez. Motion by R. Delno, 2nd by J. Snivley to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) S. Nihart read a thank you card from the Shirks family for allowing them to participate in the Cops with Kids program. J. Walker reported for the building committee that several members worked the prior Saturday at the Lodge. Work included repairing a flat tire on the mower, completing the door trim in the bathroom, completed plumbing for the bar sink, installing locks on the liquor cabinet doors and replacement of the back (north) door locks due to a lock malfunction. All Lodge locks, including the garage, except the liquor cabinet, now use one key and new keys are being issued to members that request them. He also reported that the Edgerton Main Stop, in cooperation with Pepsi, have agreed to donate a display case type pop cooler to the Lodge. J. Snivley reported for the retirement banquet committee and requested a date and times to be set. After some discussion, it was decided to be April 12, 2008 with social hour from 5:30PM-6:30PM with the meal to be at 6:30PM. The banquet will be held at Mohre’s in Bryan with Larry Altman and Greg Brillhart of Bryan PD; Jim Brace, Montpelier PD; Roger Brown, Marvin Hug and Al Word, Wms Co Sheriff’s Office; Jim Gauden and Mike Marchek, OSP; Merlin Hageman, Stryker PD and John Richard, W. Unity PD being honored. Kelly Awards have plaques available and a DJ will be available. The meal will be chicken, Swiss steak, baked potato, salad, green beans and corn. A cash bar will be available. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by G. Horn to purchase four reverse raffle tickets at $40 each from the Bryan Girls Softball Association. Motion passed after voice vote. The tickets include a meal and any member interested in attending is to contact S. Nihart. G. Horn asked that the Lodge purchase a new full-size black finish refrigerator for the kitchen area. Motion by R. Delno, 2nd by T. Szymczak to authorize up to $1,200 for the purchase. Motion passed after voice vote. G. Horn and or B. Noethen to make the purchase. G. Horn asked that the Lodge purchase a new pool table for the game room, hopefully with the FOP emblem imprint on the felt. After discussion, it was decided for Horn to check pricing for a full-size regulation table with FOP imprint, a protective cover for the table, pockets rather then ball return and report back at the February meeting. He was also requested to check prices for a new electronic dartboard. G. Horn reported that we should get some stone for the driveway. S. Nihart advised him to check with Van Hug. J. Arnold asked about membership requirements as Bryan PD Reserves are interested in joining. J. Walker advised the State FOP requires members to be paid by the hour. J. Arnold will do further checking. S. Nihart reported M. Marchek has not attended a meeting since he was voted in as a new member at the October 2007 meeting and therefore has not met the requirements of new membership. He directed the Lodge Secretary to advise Marchek by letter of this and refund his $20 dues. J. Snivley expressed concern about pictures of various officers throughout the county that have appeared in newspapers representing the FOP when they are not actually members, which is in violation of a decision made at the regular FOP meeting held May 23, 2006. J. Arnold stated this was a mistake on his part as he had viewed photos of the Cops with Kids and choose the best quality photos for the papers. S. Nihart asked if anyone was interested in purchasing the old pop cooler and nobody spoke up. There being no further business, motion by R. Delno, 2nd by M. Krill to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |