![]() Constitution & By-Laws WHEREAS: By association we have the facility of mutual interchange of thought, information, and the opportunity to demonstrate the sincerity of our purpose, and the experience of each becomes common to all, which always results in a higher development of our intellectual, moral, and social faculties, and enables us to share in the gains and honors of advances of civilization; THEREFORE: We, the members of the Law Enforcement Agencies of Alvordton, Blakeslee, Bryan, Edgerton, Edon, Montpelier, Stryker, West Unity, Williams County, and State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, convinced that it is to the best interests of our members, do hereby unite under the name of Captain Custar Lodge No. 181, of the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Inc., and believing that intelligence, industry, and moral worth are the true standards of greatness, do hereby pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to promote the common interests and fraternalism among the members of this lodge; THEREFORE: Captain Custar Lodge No. 181, of the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio Inc., shall be an organization for Law Enforcement Officers, managed by Law Enforcement, actively engaged in Law Enforcement, or who may hereafter be retired because of service or disability. CONSITITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Section I. This Lodge shall be known as the Captain Custar Lodge No. 181, of the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio Inc., and shall conform with all rules and regulations of the FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE OF OHIO, INC., and the GRAND LODGE, FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE. ARTICLE II Section I. The Fraternal Order of Police is an organization of State and Subordinate Lodges consisting of Law Enforcement Officers of the United States, of the several states and political subdivisions thereof. Section II. This constitution shall be the fundamental law of the Order and, together with the By-Laws enacted in conformance therewith and the rituals adopted at National Conferences, shall govern the conduct of Captain Custar Lodge No. 181. ARTICLE III Section I. The membership of Captain Custar Lodge No. 181 shall be limited to full-time and part-time Law Enforcement Officers who are employed by the government of the United States, the State of Ohio, or its local subdivisions to perform law enforcement duties in the County of Williams, State of Ohio, or persons who have been honorably retired from such employment because of length of service or disability.
Section II. No eligible Law Enforcement Officer shall be denied membership to this Lodge based on Sex, Race, Creed, Color, Religion, or political affiliation (except as noted below). The Fraternal Order of Police, Captain Custar Lodge No. 181, shall deny membership to anyone who is, or has been, a member of the Communist Party, or of any party regardless of what name which advocates the abolition or destruction of our Government, either by force or subversive means. Section III. There shall be three (3) classes of membership: Active, Life and Honorary. The Active Membership shall be comprised of Law Enforcement Officers actively engaged from the areas enumerated in Section I. Active Members shall be entitled to voice and vote and upon attending a combination of at least five (5) meetings and/or work details per attendance year, shall have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues, as well as the local Lodge Insurance coverage, paid by the local Lodge. Failure to attend the required number of meetings and/or work details per attendance year will require the Active Member to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge. Active Members unable to attend meetings due to work will be required to notify the Lodge Secretary before each meeting of their inability to attend due to work requirements. Active Members unable to attend due to work requirements, upon attending at least one (1) work detail as well as the ‘Cops with Kids’ program during each attendance year, shall have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues, as well as the local Lodge Insurance coverage, paid by the local Lodge. Failure of the working Active Member to meet these requirements will require them to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge. Included in the Active Membership category are those members in GOOD STANDING who are retired, or eligible to retire, on service or disability pension. The Life Membership shall comprise of Active Members who have retired from Law Enforcement, or are eligible for retirement from Law Enforcement, and have been moved to Life Membership status by vote of the Lodge membership. Life Members shall be entitled to voice and vote and shall have their local insurance coverage paid by the local Lodge with no attendance or dues requirements set forth. Life Members will be eligible to have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues paid by the local lodge by attending a combination of at least two (2) meetings and/or work details per attendance year. If the Life Member has failed to meet the aforementioned attendance requirement he/she may still receive FOP State and Grand Lodge memberships by paying his/her yearly dues, as set forth by the Lodge. No attendance or dues requirements will be assessed to Life Members residing out of state. The Honorary Membership shall be comprised of any other sworn/appointed Law Enforcement Officer assigned to Williams County, and/or any member of the Lodge, upon being dismissed from their law enforcement duties, until the final disposition or exhaustion of any and all grievances or legal proceedings resulting in a dismissal or resignation of their law enforcement duties in Williams County. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to voice and vote and are not entitled to memberships to the FOP State or Grand Lodge, and are not entitled to the local Lodge Insurance coverage. Honorary Members will be required to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge. Section IV. Application for membership in this Lodge shall be in writing on forms prescribed and prepared by this Lodge. All statements thereon in answer to the questions proposed to the applicant shall be warranted by him to be true and correct. No application shall be voted on unless the applicant has served a minimum of ninety (90) days as a Law Enforcement Officer and the application is accompanied by the regular dues plus any initiatory fee, which sum shall be held by the Secretary with the application. In the event the application is rejected, the application fee shall be returned to the applicant. After the application for membership has been received, it shall be presented to the Lodge at the first succeeding meeting, after which it shall lay over for a period of one (1) month before it can be balloted upon. At the meeting when an application is presented, the presiding officer of the Lodge may appoint a committee to investigate the character of the applicant. After the committee reports upon the applicant, the application shall be balloted upon. It shall require a vote of three-fourths (¾) of the members present to accept such applicant. In the event that the application is rejected, the applicant shall not be privileged to repetition for membership until the expiration of at least six (6) months from the date of rejection of this application. All applications for membership shall be voted upon separately. Section V. Any member of the Lodge, upon final disposition or exhaustion of any and all grievances or legal proceedings resulting in a dismissal or resignation of their law enforcement duties shall forfeit all claims on this Lodge and all rights as a member, and he/she shall cease being a member of this lodge. All emblems and decals are leased property of this Lodge and shall be returned to the Recording Secretary or President within ten (10) days of termination of membership. ARTICLE IV Section I. The officers of this Lodge shall be comprised as follows: President
Immediate Past President
Vice President The Executive Board shall be comprised of officers of this Lodge as follows: President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer and may spend up to a limit of $500.00, if necessary, without membership approval. Section II. All officers shall be elected for terms of one (1) year. In the case of retirement, resignation, death or vacancy for any cause, said vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Board in a meeting for that purpose and such appointment shall be for the un-expired term of the office in which the vacancy occurs. Section III. Any officer of this Lodge who is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings or fails to attend six (6) meetings in a calendar year, except for reasons of sickness or other valid cause (approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Lodge), shall be deemed to have lost interest in said office and the office shall be declared vacant. Said vacancy shall be filled as stated in Section II above. ARTICLE V Section I. Any active member of this Lodge in good standing for a period of one (1) year or more shall be eligible to hold office, provided that they shall have attended at least six (6) meetings during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding their nomination.
ARTICLE VI Section I. Nominations for election to office shall be made every year at the regular meeting in October. Section II. A nominee who is present at the regular meeting in October must accept or decline the nomination at the time of his/her nomination. Section III. All nominees must be present at the meeting when their name is submitted for nomination. If the person nominated is not present at the time their name is submitted, a written statement to the effect that they will accept the nomination must be presented by the member submitting the name. ARTICLE VII Section I. Election of officers shall be held every year at the regular meeting in October. Section II. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for the office of which he/she was nominated shall be declared elected to that office. Section III. Those members elected to office shall be installed at the regular meeting in January of the year following the election. Installation of officers shall be in accordance with Article III of the By-Laws of the Order. ARTICLE VIII Section I. - President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Lodge and of the Executive Board. It shall be his/her duty to open and close all regular and special meetings of the Lodge. He/She shall appoint pre-tem officers in case of absentee. He/She shall cause the password to be communicated to all persons entitled to receive it. He/She shall enforce order and uphold the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Lodge. He/She shall appoint the majority of all committees, including the chairperson of said committees, not otherwise provided for. If, in the opinion of the President, an occasion or circumstance shall warrant calling a special meeting, he/she shall have authority to call such a meeting and shall notify the Recording Secretary of the date, time and place to such special meeting and the purpose of same. The President shall decide all questions arising in the Lodge, subject to appeal to the State and Grand Lodge, and otherwise herein provided. He/She shall immediately notify the State and Grand Lodge of any change in the office of the Secretary, either at the time of election or between elections, giving the name and address of the new secretary and the signature of such secretary in their own writing. It shall be his/her duty, together with the Vice President, to inspect the ballot and report thereon to the Lodge. Any member of the Lodge shall have the privilege tp inspect the ballot, upon request, after decision regarding same has been announced. He/She shall have the custody of, and be responsible for, all jewels, rituals, and property of the lodge, and shall at various times inspect all paraphernalia of the Lodge. He/She shall sign all orders, warrants and documents that may be necessary and have been passed upon by the Lodge. He/She shall sign such certificates, cards or other papers as may require his/her signature to make them valid. Section II. - Immediate Past President: The position of Immediate Past President shall be held by the person who was elected as President and completed at least one full term, and who was the one who most recently held the office of President. No person shall hold this position that has been removed from office as prescribed in Article XVIII of this constitution and by-laws. The Immediate Past President shall advise and assist the President. Section III. - Vice President: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence or disability and shall succeed him/her in the event of his/her death, resignation or removal from office. He/She shall be endowed with all powers of the President during the Presidents absence. Section IV. - Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions at each meeting of the Lodge in a book to be known as the book of records, together with the minutes, to be entered therein before the meeting following that of which they are a record, and shall read same from this book for approval. He/She shall keep another book and record therein all amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, said book to be known as the amendment book, and it shall be given to the proper committee for reference when revising the Constitution and By-Laws. He/She shall read all reports, letters, bills, petitions, appeals, claims, and other communications that may be received by the Lodge or its officers. He/She shall reply to, and write all communications sent or received by the Lodge and retain copies thereof, including all committee reports. He/She shall assist in the transaction of the business of the Lodge and shall comply with such other duties of this office as contained in this Constitution and By-Laws. At the expiration of his/her term of office, he/she shall give a correct report of business of his/her office to the Lodge, and shall deliver to his/her successor in office all books and other properties of the Lodge in his/her possession within ten (10) days of the expiration of the term of his/her office. Section V. - Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all initiation fees, dues, and assessments from members of the Lodge and all money belonging to the Lodge. He/She shall give his/her official receipt thereof. He/She shall deposit, in the name of the lodge, all funds paid to him/her from any and every source in such bank or banks as the Trustees may select. It shall be his/her duty to sign all checks drawn against the funds of the Lodge in payment of such sums of money as may be voted by the Lodge. It shall be his/her duty to keep an accurate account of all money received and expended by him/her, and he/she shall report at each regular meeting of the Lodge the amount of money on hand, along with the receipts and disbursements. He/She shall make available to the Trustees, whenever they require, all books and financial records of the Lodge so that they may perform an audit, and he/she shall render such assistance, as they may deem necessary. He/She shall have his/her accounts ready for auditing or settlement at the expiration of his/her term in office. He/She shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees if so desired or requested. He/She shall, at the expiration of his/her term in office, deliver to his/her successor in office all money, funds, papers, documents and other property of the Lodge in his/her custody or possession as such Treasurer. He/She shall be required to furnish a Surety Bond before entering upon his/her duties as Treasurer. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the Trustees, and the cost of the bond shall be paid by the Lodge. Such bond shall be filed with the Recording Secretary. Section VI. - Sergeant At Arms: The Sgt. At Arms shall perform such duties as prescribed in the Ritual of the Fraternal Order of Police, and shall take up the password at each meeting. He/She shall assist each initiation ceremony and shall perform all other duties required of him/her by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Fraternal Order of Police. Section VII. - Trustees: It shall be the duty of the Trustees to care for and hold in trust for the Lodge all stocks, securities, and property of the Lodge. They shall invest the funds of the Lodge as in their judgment shall be deemed for the best interest of the Lodge, upon approval of two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting. Until such funds are invested, they shall be kept deposited in a bank selected for that purpose. They shall designate the amount of bond required for the Treasurer and other officers of the lodge. They shall see that the books of the Treasurer are audited annually and at any other time that they feel it is deemed necessary for the best interest of the Lodge. For just cause, they may be requested by the President of the State or Grand Lodge, to give a full account of all money received, expended, or invested, and shall from time to time and at the close of their term of office, make a full report in writing to the Lodge of all business transacted by them as Trustees. The Trustees shall also serve as the ‘Constitution & By-Laws Committee’ of the Lodge with the current one (1) year trustee acting as Chairman. Section VIII. - Chaplain: The duties of the Chaplain shall be to assist the President opening and closing meetings. He/She shall assist in any memorial service. Section IX. - Historian: It shall be the duty of the Historian to care for all photographs and newspaper articles of Lodge activities. The Historian shall maintain these items in a book in such a manner as to be able to present them along with names and dates for future members to identify and understand the history of this lodge and it’s members. ARTICLE IX Section I. All officers EXCEPT THE TREASURER may resign at any time. Resignations must be submitted through the Recording Secretary, to the Executive Board. Section II. The treasurer must present his/her resignation in writing one (1) month prior to the effective date, and if the Treasurer's reports are correct, the resignation may be accepted. ARTICLE X Section I. Any Officer of this lodge who commits an act of Misfeasance, Nonfeasance, or Malfeasance may be removed from office. Section II. To start such action, a written complaint by three (3) members shall be submitted to the Recording Secretary of the Lodge. Section III. The officer against whom the complaint has been made shall be notified personally, by delivering to him/her a copy of the written complaint at least five (5) days prior to the day of the meeting at which the complaint will be presented to the Lodge. Section IV. After a hearing, at which time the officer may present his defense, and upon (2/3) majority of the members and voting in favor of removal from office, the office shall be declared vacant. Such vote shall be by secret ballot. ARTICLE XI In the event of a vacancy in any office for any reason, said vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Executive Board. ARTICLE XII Section I. Any member of the Lodge whose service or personal conduct reflects any discredit upon the Lodge may be suspended or expelled from the Lodge. Before such suspension or expulsion, a written complaint stating the reason for same, shall be filed with the Recording Secretary of the Lodge. A committee shall be appointed at this time to investigate the complaint and make their report to the Lodge in writing. At this time, such member shall have the opportunity to present his defense, and shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting at such Lodge meeting in favor of such suspension or expulsion before a member can be suspended or expelled. Section I (a). Should any member reveal, outside the membership, the discussion involving an applicant during the course of a meeting, the member revealing the information will be terminated as a member of the Lodge if deemed necessary after investigation by the Lodge Trustees. Also, voting shall be done by secret ballot as opposed to voice vote when voting on applicants. Section II. Any member who has not paid the amount the yearly dues by the first day of November and has not attended the required amount of meetings and/or work details shall be automatically expelled from the Lodge and notified in writing by the Recording Secretary. Section III. Any member who has not paid the full amount of any assessment within ninety (90) days of the date that the assessment falls due is automatically expelled from the Lodge and shall be notified in writing by the Recording Secretary. Section IV. Any member of this Lodge who has been expelled for non-payment of dues, assessments or other cause shall accompany his written application with fifty ($50.00) dollars. Before the re-instatement is effective, the application shall be presented to the Lodge, and shall require a vote of (2/3) of the members present and voting in favor of such action. Section V. Any Member of the Lodge who has been expelled from the Lodge for any cause, other than dues and assessments, shall not be eligible to make applications for reinstatement until the expiration of one (1) year from the date of such expulsion. Application for reinstatement shall be made under Section IV of Article XII. ARTICLE XIII Section I. The dues of the Lodge shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars per year for active members and the dues for retired members shall be one-half (½) that paid by active members. All dues shall be paid on or before first day of November of each year. Section II. Any member that arrears in dues or assessments more than thirty (30) days, and less than ninety (90) days, shall be deemed to be delinquent and not in good standing. ARTICLE XIV Section I. When two thirds (2/3) of the members present at any regular meeting of the Lodge desires an assessment to be levied, the same shall be ordered by the President, and all members of the Lodge shall be notified in writing, and a vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting, at which time it shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting for passage. Such assessment shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Lodge within thirty (30) days from the date the assessment falls due. Section II. Money collected from such assessment shall be devoted to the purpose for which the assessment was levied, and any surplus shall be turned over to the General Fund. The Lodge may make an appropriation to make up any shortages which might occur for any assessment purpose, but due notice shall be given of same. ARTICLE XV Section I. All committees shall be appointed as herein provided. Section II. Any committee spending Lodge funds shall submit an estimate of expenses to the Executive Board for its action whenever such estimate of expenses exceeds the amount budgeted for that purpose. Section III. All committees shall be governed by the rules of conduct that shall be established by the Executive Board. Section IV. The chairman of each committee shall file a yearly report with the Recording Secretary. Such report is to be filed no later than the February meeting of the following year or within ten (10) days of resignation as chairman. ARTICLE XVI Section I. When the President is absent, the Vice President shall preside. Section II. A quorum shall be not less than two (2) elected officers and 5 members of the Lodge in good standing. Section III. The meetings of this Lodge shall be governed in all cases not provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws by the provisions of such circumstances in the book known as Robert's Rules of Order, revised. Section IV. Order of Business 1. Roll Call of Officers. Section V. When a question is before the Lodge, no motion shall be in order except: 1. For the previous question. Section VI. A motion to reconsider shall not be entertained unless made by a member on the prevailing side in the first instance. Section VII. No motion shall be subject to debate until it shall have been seconded and stated from the chair. Section VIII. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject at the same meeting without the consent of Lodge. Section IX. The majority vote shall govern in all cases unless otherwise provided. Section X. The members of Captain Custar Lodge No. 181 shall assemble for their regular meeting at their Lodge at 19:00 hrs., unless otherwise notified, on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month, with the exception of July, August, and December, when no meeting will be held, unless stated otherwise. December, if a meeting is necessary, may be held after the 'Shop with a Cop' program. Section XI. Special meetings may be called by the President and/or the Executive Board at any time they deem it necessary, or on the petition of seven (7) or more members of the Lodge in good standing. Such special meeting will be held within seven (7) days of submission of the request. Notification of the special meeting must be made at least three (3) days prior to the date of said meeting and notice shall be faxed to Departments and e-mailed to members. ARTICLE XVII Section I. The Criteria for an officer to have his name placed on the Police Officers Memorial shall be any sworn law enforcement officer currently serving, or that formally served in Williams County and is currently serving another jurisdiction, that was killed or died, as a result of injuries sustained in the performance of his/her official duties, is eligible to be presented to the Captain Custar Lodge No. 181 FOP Memorial Committee. The Memorial Committee shall research the eligibility of the officer and, if all criteria are met, the Committee will then make a presentation to the general membership for approval. If approved, the officer's name and year of death shall be engraved on the Police Officer Memorial marker located on the Williams County Courthouse square. ARTICLE XVIII Section I. Should any dispute arise as to time, intent or meaning of any section of this Constitution and By-Laws, the question shall be referred to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to construe the section in dispute. Their decision, if approved by the Chair, shall be its judgment thereon, subject however, to the right of appeal to the State Lodge. Record of such construction shall be kept in the amendment book as a reference for any later dispute on the same section. Section II. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall consist of the currently serving Trustees with the current one (1) year Trustee acting as Chairman. ARTICLE XIX Section I. Alterations and amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall be presented in writing and turned over to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. The Constitution and By-Laws committee shall submit a report and recommendation on the purposed alteration or amendment. The alteration or amendment shall be read at two (2) succeeding regular meetings and upon a third reading shall become effective, provided it shall receive a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting. ARTICLE XX Section I. In the event that an Associate Lodge and/or an Auxiliary Lodge is formed, they shall be under the control and supervision of the Captain Custar Lodge No. 181 of the Fraternal Order of Police and shall account to such for all actions taken and funds received and expended. They shall furnish a complete financial report during the months of June and December of each year to the Treasurer of the Captain Custar Lodge No. 181. ARTICLE XXI Section I. In the event the Grand Lodge or State Lodge determines, pursuant to their constitution, that any Article or provision of this Constitution and By-Laws is invalid or any court of law determines that any Article or Provision is invalid, such determination shall not invalidate any other Article or Provision of the Constitution or By-Laws adopted hereunder. ARTICLE XXII The Lodge is intended for use by members of Captain Custar Lodge Fraternal Order of Police, and their invited guests, only. It is important that the building be used in an equitable manner and maintained by all persons using it. For this reason, the following rules are adopted by the Lodge and will be enforced. Any member not complying with these rules shall be subject to expulsion and or a review conducted by the Building Committee as well as the Lodge Trustees at which time the member may loose his or her Lodge membership or forfeiture of building privileges. This determination shall be made by the listed review board and shall be confirmed by the Lodge President. 1. All use of the building shall be approved, in advance, by the building committee or the President of the Lodge. Intended dates and type of use shall be stated in writing at the time of the request for approval and shall be subject to all rules for building use. 2. Any member using the building shall be responsible for cleanup of the facility after use. All areas shall be cleaned and all trash or refuse shall be carried from the premises. 3. Any member using the facility for a group function, or for overnight use, shall make a cleaning deposit of $50 with the President or building committee. The deposit shall be refunded if the building is left in an orderly manner. 4. Use of the building shall be assigned on a first applied for, first provided basis. Preference shall be given to any Lodge or Criminal Justice usage. 5. ANY MEMBER ENTERING THE FACILITY SHALL SIGN THE REGISTER BOOK. 6. Members reserving the facility shall be responsible for any damage caused to the premises. All damage shall be reported to the President or the building committee as soon as practical. Failure to report damage caused shall be grounds for forfeiture of building privileges. 7. The use of the gaming tables, electronic equipment, power equipment or any of the items purchased by the Lodge either for the use or enjoyment of its members and or their guests shall be the sole responsibility of the member utilizing the equipment. If an item is damaged while being used in a manner that is not consistent with the items nature the member shall be responsible for repair and or replacement caused whether the member is using the equipment or it is being used by their guest. 8. Should any event occur where there is reason to believe that one or more parties are equally at fault for damage caused to Lodge property, a review board shall take place to determine action and or actions to be taken as listed and described in the opening paragraph of this notice. Adopted by the Lodge this 27th day of May, 2008. THIS NOTICE SHALL BE POSTED ON THE PREMISES - Back - |